Mesh Reconstruction, Simplification and Morphing

The creation, modification and visualization of meshes is an important aspect of BrainVoyager’s capabilities. Reconstruction of the boundary of a segmented cortical hemisphere provides the starting point for cortex visualization and 3D morphing including cortex inflation, flattening and the creation of spheres for the cortex-based alignment routines...

The ‘C’ in ANCOVA

The ANCOVA module has been substantially improved in BrainVoyager QX 1.9.9 supporting many ANOVA models. Despite its name, the ANCOVA module did, however, not support true analysis of covariance models combining analysis of variance with techniques from regression analysis…

Diffusion Tensor Imaging II

In the last part of this series, basic processing steps and calculations of useful DTI volume maps has been described. This part focuses on tensor visualization and fiber tracking as implemented in BrainVoyager QX 1.9. Tensor visualization and fiber tracking can be performed if a DDT file is available, which is itself derived from a corresponding VDW data set containing the original diffusion data in 3D space (original scanning space, AC-PC space or Talairach space).

Diffusion Tensor Imaging I

The main new feature of BrainVoyager QX 1.9 is a comprehensive set of tools for the analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) data. Since these tools are now nearly complete, I want to describe them in a short series of blog entries. First of all, I want to thank Alard Roebroeck for his excellent help. I used his software “TrackMark” as the model for my own development…

Scripting and COM Automation

Analyzing fMRI data using a powerful Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows to easily specify different analysis steps such as motion correction, slice timing correction, spatial and temporal filtering, normalization and statistical routines. For a specific experiment, one usually wants to preprocess and analyze the functional data of all subjects in the same way.

Happy New Year!

I wish you, dear reader, a happy, healthy and successful new year 2007! In the new year we will release a number of exciting new tools to allow even more sophisticated and pleasant brain voyages. After having released BrainVoyager QX 1.8…