Brain Tutor HD 2.1 for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

Brain Tutor HD 1.0 has become quite popular as indicated by top-10 rankings in the "Education" category in several App Stores around the world during the last year. While some users asked for more features, there were no bug reports and I was, thus, not forced to submit maintenance releases. A few months ago I have started on other iOS apps (more on this in a future blog post) that used some new features of the iOS 5 API (see below). When this work was done, I decided to rewrite large parts of Brain Tutor HD so that it would…


Automatic AC-PC and Talairach Transformation

While it is relatively easy to specify reference planes and landmark points for AC-PC and Talairach transformation, the interactive, manual procedure is subject to individual interpretations of the position/orientation of reference points/planes that can lead to specifications on slices that deviate a few millimeters when performed by different researchers. Even if the same researcher performs these definitions repeatedly on the same brain, small deviations are typically observed. Most importantly, the definition of landmarks such as the anterior and posterior commissure...